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Correcting NSO document errors for Australian Visa applications - Philippines to Australia Podcast

NSO Document Errors – How do you correct them?

Errors in NSO documents generally make that document a bogus document because it contains false information. The Australian Embassy in Manila and the Department of Home Affairs in Australia have a zero tolerance of false information, and this will generally lead to a visa application refusal and a three year ban from making further applications.

There are a multitude of forgers and “fixers” in the Philippines who will get you an almost-perfect but fake document, but to use a document like this is migration suicide. The Australian Embassy know how to avoid forgeries and know how to get only the actual record from the NSO system, so forgeries are a waste of time.

That means if you have errors in the system, either through careless mistakes or through deliberate attempts to cover up truthful information in favour of something more convenient, then this is the information that they will receive. The only way to solve problems with false information on NSO documents is to have the documents legally corrected. This is sometimes simple, but other times it’s complicated and slow. But you really have no choice.

Listen to the Podcast and learn from Registered Migration Agent Jeff Harvie from Down Under Visa in Manila what the correct procedures are for correcting NSO document errors.

Correcting NSO document errors for Australian Visa applications - Philippines to Australia Podcast | Realted Posts